Keďže som prvé dva roky svojho štúdia celkom makal, tak sa moje akademické povinnosti v treťom ročníku zredukovali na jednu skúšku a jednu bakalárku (dokopy za obe semestre).
Na povrch sa dostala samozrejmá otázka: čo s voľným časom? Základné odpovede boli:
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Tag: programming
Začiatok môjho tretieho ročníka – pozor, občas som to prehnal s filozofiou.
V tomto príspevku budem písať o tom, ako som sa rozhodol prežiť svoj tretí ročník (bakalára) na univerzite.
Keďže je približne mesiac, odkedy nám semester začal, tak mám zopár čerstvých myšlienok o ktoré by som sa tu s vami rád podelil.
Na konci som venoval odstavec iným alternatívam, nad ktorými som uvažoval.
Ako iste tušíte/viete, naše študentské životy Continue reading “Začiatok môjho tretieho ročníka – pozor, občas som to prehnal s filozofiou.”
Work at Facebook
Recently, there come an offer from the Facebook recruitment team to me. I was recommended by my friend who works there full-time. In comparsion, I had in the last autumn a telephonic interview at Google which I failed.
I always asked myself which company can suit me better if I could hypothetically choose. After reading the recent article about work at Facebook my preferences towards FB had grown.
Google Codejam 2011 Round 1B
I cannot believe how bad I perform at Google-organisated competitions. Today was the first online round of CodeJam. A started quite good, solved the first problem among the first hundreds.
But then came the second problem statement. I had the shape of the main idea (binary search the result) from the beginning, but I overesteemed myself. I forgot to consider the whole implementation in my mind. I forgot what was taught on our preparations for competitions: “turn of your monitor before you start typing the code!”.
When I was online (or on-coding, on-demand) resolving the subproblems the code just diverged. I have implemented a ternary_search (dividing the interval to 3 parts and choosing two of them) and using double type rather thqn int64. Of course, anger come on me. But I managed to implement the good solution at last. For my shame just after the Large request timeout. That was worth 15 points and because of that I finished 1052, just behind the line at 1000.
So, tomorow I will give a next try 🙂
Also I want to share a small problem:
Continue reading “Google Codejam 2011 Round 1B”
Tazup – File sharing protocol with client application
Ide o projekt na predmet Počítačové siete vytvorený spolu s mojimi spolužiakmi Maťom Šrámkom a Kubom Vaňom (vpravo v mojich priateľoch).
Projekt pozostáva z applikácie, ktorá umožňuje vytvoriť sieť peer-to-peer (podobné torrentom). A teda zdieľať a vyhľadávať súbory.
Viac o Tazup-e sa môžete dozvedieť na stránke vytvorenej preň.